Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Well haven't wrote to this in while, should be doing so everyday but anyway, I am starting a fresh now. Have handed up my draft proposal. Have decided to do a web based local community service. I am going to use my area Inchicore and map it on Google maps or an open source map and use Tomcat and java (javascript) to make it web based.... (Will use a lot of XML)

Need to start reading "Head First Java"book John gave me... Will definitely start doing this week.

Mark has put idea up on his page (see below), therefore this will help me to finish full proposal by today. lol. need finished and signed by lecturer on Friday...

Have emailed mark to see if he would be interested in supervising this project. No reply yet.. Also discussed this project idea with him and he insured me that this was okay... So that was a good start...

As well as this need to get a GPS unit in order to pin point each co-ordinate on the map... Will not e this in technical requirements....

TO DO: -FINISH PROPOSAL- ALL sections filled out.
-Send to Mark and get signed.
-Sort out GIS Server connections

Ref: 200809-12 Title: Community Information System.

Abstract: The aim of this project is to create a system to capture store and present information of interest to residents of a relatively small community or locality. Information to include (a) service location, (b) points of interest (c) statistical information (such as from the CSO), (d) public transport, (e) routing information and much more.

Keywords: Thematic mapping, routing, XML, vector

Level: 8 - BSc Honours.

Technology: GRASS, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, etc.

Might interest ... Someone with reasonably good technical skills with an interest in GIS.

Other information: Contact me.

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